JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 5

JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 5

In this fifth article in our series we look at the CustomStatement class. Happy reading.

CustomStatement class.JPG

Into listing 7, we do the following:
  1. We declare our CustomStatement class that extends the Statement class (1).
  2. We keep references to a Statement field and to a Description field (2) and we use them as arguments of the constructor (3).
  3. We override the inherited evaluate method and call base.evaluate() inside it (4).

JUnit4CustomRuleTester class.JPG

Into listing 8, we use the previously defined CustomRule by doing the following:
  • We declare a public CustomRule field and we annotate it with @Rule (1).
  • We create the myCustomRuleTest method and annotate it with @Test (2).

The result of the execution of this test is shown in figure 1. The effective execution of the test is surrounded by the additional messages provided into the evaluate method of the CustomStatement class.

execution of JUnit4CustomRuleTester.png

Figure 4 The result of the execution of JUnit4CustomRuleTester.

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Catalin Tudose
Java and Web Technologies Expert

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