Software architecture and design

Software architecture and design

    The course introduces the main concepts and context of software architecture. You will learn about practices such as essential requirements identification, design, documentation and analysis – a ...
    Learn how DDD helps with building corporate systems with complex business logic, and apply DDD strategic tools to first decompose the subject area, and then the system being developed.
    This is a training course on corporate application development. The course contains a detailed description of specific typical solutions. Each solution contains information on the application and b...
    The main objective of the course is to review the techniques used in designing a conceptual model for an application based on patterns. We also talk about reusing designs created within the framewo...
    Since software developers often have to deal with problems of designing high-load systems to support big data processing with preset requirements to the response time and amount of data, this train...
    The main focus of training is on asynchronous messaging through queues and integration patterns, and describing the basic elements of solutions built on classic message queues, such as IBM MQ, Acti...
    An introduction of the main concepts of microservice architecture (MSA). We focus on the notion of microservice architecture in connection with “traditional” methods for building a system. Micr...
    This course gives an overview on the topic of cloud application design. It covers basic principles of building cloud systems and additionally will discuss the primary building blocks offered by Iaa...
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