
Iuliana Chiriac

Software Development Consultant
Iuliana is a Python and open source enthusiast with more than 6 years of software development experience. Throughout her career she has had the opportunity to work with various technologies such as Python, Flask, Celery, Selenium, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, RabbitMQ, MySQL , Zappa and many more but Python is her main point of focus.

In her current role she is working on building an adaptive and predictive learning platform which involves building, unit testing and demo backend features as well as studying and integrating various standards (LTI, LDAP, SAML, xAPI, SCORM).

In addition to her professional career Iuliana has also been involved in various educational activities such as teaching a course on Web development using Python and Django and one on Data wrangling tools in Python at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest as well as mentoring teams for Girls who code and Django Girls Bucharest.Iuliana is a Python and open source enthusiast with more than 6 years of software development experience. Throughout her career she has had the opportunity to work with various technologies such as Python, Flask, Celery, Selenium, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, RabbitMQ, MySQL , Zappa and many more but Python is her main point of focus.

In her current role she is working on building an adaptive and predictive learning platform which involves building, unit testing and demo backend features as well as studying and integrating various standards (LTI, LDAP, SAML, xAPI, SCORM).

In addition to her professional career Iuliana has also been involved in various educational activities such as teaching a course on Web development using Python and Django and one on Data wrangling tools in Python at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest as well as mentoring teams for Girls who code and Django Girls Bucharest.
  • Python
  • Django
  • Web development
  • Web applications
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