
Catalin Tudorache

Software Development Consultant
Catalin is a web, mobile and desktop developer. He started out with Java and continued with PHP and JavaScript. For Luxoft Training he delivers courses on various subjects related to Java but also on Git, Android, SQL or DevOps.

In his last role he worked as part of a multinational team in the telecom department and provided object-oriented analysis, design and development for the components of a complex engineering desktop application that handled various tasks of the photolithography process used in the semiconductor industry. The application was built using the JavaFX framework and took full advantage of Java 8 features like lambdas and streams.

Catalin is also passionate about teaching and as a result he has been involved in developing and facilitating IT&C trainings. He is an Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer, Oracle Database PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle SQL Database Expert.Catalin is a web, mobile and desktop developer. He started out with Java and continued with PHP and JavaScript. For Luxoft Training he delivers courses on various subjects related to Java but also on Git, Android, SQL or DevOps.

In his last role he worked as part of a multinational team in the telecom department and provided object-oriented analysis, design and development for the components of a complex engineering desktop application that handled various tasks of the photolithography process used in the semiconductor industry. The application was built using the JavaFX framework and took full advantage of Java 8 features like lambdas and streams.

Catalin is also passionate about teaching and as a result he has been involved in developing and facilitating IT&C trainings. He is an Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer, Oracle Database PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle SQL Database Expert.
  • Programming
  • Software Architecture
  • Project Management
  • UX
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