
Constantin Tanase

Software Development Specialist
Constantin has more than 16 years of software development experience, most of them involving the use of C# and C++. His work experience has focused mainly in the telecom area where he has been involved in projects ranging from small custom application development to more complex ones requiring work on mature applications.

In addition to his role as a Software Engineer for one of our most important telecom projects, Constantin has also been involved in developing and delivering trainings for more than 2 years on subjects such as Unit Testing in .Net and Basics of .NET Development and C# Language. He has a Master’s Degree in Distributed Systems and a University degree in Automatic Control and Computers.35048Constantin has more than 16 years of software development experience, most of them involving the use of C# and C++. His work experience has focused mainly in the telecom area where he has been involved in projects ranging from small custom application development to more complex ones requiring work on mature applications.

In addition to his role as a Software Engineer for one of our most important telecom projects, Constantin has also been involved in developing and delivering trainings for more than 2 years on subjects such as Unit Testing in .Net and Basics of .NET Development and C# Language. He has a Master’s Degree in Distributed Systems and a University degree in Automatic Control and Computers.
  • C#;
  • .NET;
  • Telecom;
  • MsSQL;
  • C++.
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