
Daniel Balakirev

Specialist in Investment Banking and Financial Analysis
Daniel has a wealth of experience in the financial and banking industry. He currently works for a large western bank where he specializes in credit analysis and project financing. He also has 4 years of teaching experience on subjects such as DCF valuation and financial modelling. His lectures focus on case studies on how to build DCF models for publicly traded companies.

Daniel is also a Certified international investment analyst and a member of the Guild of Investment and Financial Analysts.Daniel has a wealth of experience in the financial and banking industry. He currently works for a large western bank where he specializes in credit analysis and project financing. He also has 4 years of teaching experience on subjects such as DCF valuation and financial modelling. His lectures focus on case studies on how to build DCF models for publicly traded companies.

Daniel is also a Certified international investment analyst and a member of the Guild of Investment and Financial Analysts.
  • DCF valuation
  • Corporate finance
  • Stock market
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