
Yevhenii Kashpur

Software Development Specialist
Yevhenii is a Software Engineer with more than 5 years of experience in IT and he is specialized mostly in the .NET technology stack but also in JavaScript, frameworks and SQL. He has taken part in different projects like ERP and Bank systems, 3D printing platform and network traffic analyzer applications.

His current role is as a Senior JS Developer where he is responsible, among others, for software development and maintenance, test automation, deployment automation, web services, APIs, continuous integration, configuration & dependency management as well as data collection and processing.

For Luxoft Training Yevhenii mostly facilitates trainings related to the .Net area (Basics of .NET Development and C# Language, Unit Testing in .Net etc.) but he has also delivered courses such as Introduction to Software Development Technologies, Introduction to SQL, Angular and JavaScript Development.Yevhenii is a Software Engineer with more than 5 years of experience in IT and he is specialized mostly in the .NET technology stack but also in JavaScript, frameworks and SQL. He has taken part in different projects like ERP and Bank systems, 3D printing platform and network traffic analyzer applications.

His current role is as a Senior JS Developer where he is responsible, among others, for software development and maintenance, test automation, deployment automation, web services, APIs, continuous integration, configuration & dependency management as well as data collection and processing.

For Luxoft Training Yevhenii mostly facilitates trainings related to the .Net area (Basics of .NET Development and C# Language, Unit Testing in .Net etc.) but he has also delivered courses such as Introduction to Software Development Technologies, Introduction to SQL, Angular and JavaScript Development.
  • Software development
  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • Algorithms
  • Data structures
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