
Svitlana Shmelova

Specialist on management and effective communication
Svitlana Shmelova is educated in Applied Mathematics in Dnipropetrovsk and defended the PhD thesis on Mathematical Methods in Economic in Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of Academy of Science of the USSR (Moscow). She is PhD in Economic and Associated Professor on Management.
Affiliated Faculty of Michael Porter Institute of Strategy and Competition in Harvard Business School (USA).

She took the first training of trainers in 1995 in Virginia Tech (USA) and since that time worked as the trainer for companies PriceWaterHouse, IFC, Global Agriculture, MONSANTO, ACDI/VOCA, Agrosoyuz - Ukraine, Akta Bank, and USAID, US EPA, CIDA, TACIS, UN Development, Environmental and Gender Programs, Ministry of Education of Ukraine and Universities top-managers. She held the hundreds of business- and university courses and trainings in Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Russia, Belarus, the USA, and France.

Authored more than 100 published scientific papers, including more than 40 international publications. Author of the first in Ukraine textbook on Leadership, and 14 textbooks and manuals on Management, Marketing, recommended by Ministry of Education to Ukrainian Universities.

Passed from Engineer Mathematician in space design bureau, Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory, Associated Professor to Vice-rector on International Affairs and Scientific Researches, Chancellor of University Rectors and Deputy Minister of Education.

Skillfully combines practical and theoretical knowledge and skills for the development of her professional competency. The last years concentrated on training and consultancy as the Founder and Chairperson at International Education&Consulting Center, Ukraine (since 2005); continue scientific activity as Scientific Council member, Black Sea Chair Director at Observatory of the Black, Gulf and Mediterranean Seas (OBGMS, Paris, France). 

In 2010 according to Focus Magazine rating entered Top-ten list of Ukrainian Educators.

More than 40 certificates about trainings in Ukraine, Europe and USA, most important:
  • Harvard Business School, Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Michael Porter course, Boston, USA, 2011;
  • Adizes International academy of management, Management of Changes course, Kiev, 2008;
  • Philip Kotler short training course on Modern Marketing, Kiev, 2006.

Membership in professional organizations:
  • 2001–2012 – Board member of the Alliance of Universities for Democracy (AUDEM). This NGO, founded in 1990, is a consortium of American, Central, East and South-East European universities. Currently, AUDEM’s members number over 100 institutions of higher learning in CEE and the United States.
  • since 2013 – Scientific Council member, Black Sea Chair Director at Observatory of the Black, Gulf and Mediterranean Seas (OBGMS, Paris, France).   
Svitlana Shmelova is educated in Applied Mathematics in Dnipropetrovsk and defended the PhD thesis on Mathematical Methods in Economic in Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of Academy of Science of the USSR (Moscow). She is PhD in Economic and Associated Professor on Management.
Affiliated Faculty of Michael Porter Institute of Strategy and Competition in Harvard Business School (USA).

She took the first training of trainers in 1995 in Virginia Tech (USA) and since that time worked as the trainer for companies PriceWaterHouse, IFC, Global Agriculture, MONSANTO, ACDI/VOCA, Agrosoyuz - Ukraine, Akta Bank, and USAID, US EPA, CIDA, TACIS, UN Development, Environmental and Gender Programs, Ministry of Education of Ukraine and Universities top-managers. She held the hundreds of business- and university courses and trainings in Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Russia, Belarus, the USA, and France.

Authored more than 100 published scientific papers, including more than 40 international publications. Author of the first in Ukraine textbook on Leadership, and 14 textbooks and manuals on Management, Marketing, recommended by Ministry of Education to Ukrainian Universities.

Passed from Engineer Mathematician in space design bureau, Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory, Associated Professor to Vice-rector on International Affairs and Scientific Researches, Chancellor of University Rectors and Deputy Minister of Education.

Skillfully combines practical and theoretical knowledge and skills for the development of her professional competency. The last years concentrated on training and consultancy as the Founder and Chairperson at International Education&Consulting Center, Ukraine (since 2005); continue scientific activity as Scientific Council member, Black Sea Chair Director at Observatory of the Black, Gulf and Mediterranean Seas (OBGMS, Paris, France). 

In 2010 according to Focus Magazine rating entered Top-ten list of Ukrainian Educators.

More than 40 certificates about trainings in Ukraine, Europe and USA, most important:
  • Harvard Business School, Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Michael Porter course, Boston, USA, 2011;
  • Adizes International academy of management, Management of Changes course, Kiev, 2008;
  • Philip Kotler short training course on Modern Marketing, Kiev, 2006.

Membership in professional organizations:
  • 2001–2012 – Board member of the Alliance of Universities for Democracy (AUDEM). This NGO, founded in 1990, is a consortium of American, Central, East and South-East European universities. Currently, AUDEM’s members number over 100 institutions of higher learning in CEE and the United States.
  • since 2013 – Scientific Council member, Black Sea Chair Director at Observatory of the Black, Gulf and Mediterranean Seas (OBGMS, Paris, France).   
  • Management;
  • Marketing;
  • Leadership;
  • Management of Changes;
  • Effective Communication;
  • Business Ethics;
  • Rhetoric and presentation.
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