
Mihai Tomozeiu

Software Development Consultant
Mihai is currently working as a programmer and QA Automation Engineer for one of Luxoft software development projects.

He specializes in QA test automation in the field of telecommunications. Mihai has a Master of Science degree from ETH Zurich and a PhD degree from the University of Zurich. In addition, he has also completed a specialization in Machine Learning and one in Big Data.

Prior to joining Luxoft, Mihai has worked on multiple research projects in the academic environment in which he has used Python extensively for data analysis and simulations. Moreover, during his university years, he was been involved in teaching several courses in the fields of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science. In Luxoft Training he facilitates our courses on Python.Mihai is currently working as a programmer and QA Automation Engineer for one of Luxoft software development projects.

He specializes in QA test automation in the field of telecommunications. Mihai has a Master of Science degree from ETH Zurich and a PhD degree from the University of Zurich. In addition, he has also completed a specialization in Machine Learning and one in Big Data.

Prior to joining Luxoft, Mihai has worked on multiple research projects in the academic environment in which he has used Python extensively for data analysis and simulations. Moreover, during his university years, he was been involved in teaching several courses in the fields of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science. In Luxoft Training he facilitates our courses on Python.
  • Test Automation
  • Python
  • Data Science
  • Simulations
  • Numerical Analysis
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